Boxing Workouts That Keep Your Body And Brain Healthy

boxing workouts that keep your body and brain healthy


Sign up for a class today!


we are passionate about improving the quality of life of everyone we interact with.

We provide seniors with fun, challenging, and safe boxing workouts that keep their bodies and brains healthy. During class, you will perform exercises that help improve your balance and coordination as well overall strength. Better Life Boxing can give anyone a customized workout that is enjoyable and fits your specific fitness needs.


What people are saying

Ray Sat Class.JPG


"I particularly like many of the exercises which require interaction of the mind and body.  No one, at any time, feels intimidated because of mobility or lack of ability."

-Ray Campbell

Sandra Sat Class.JPG


"Boxing is great fun. All I hear from the men  is "I would never want to mess with a woman." LOL. This is stimulating exercise, which combines stretching, with balance and cardio. Who could ask for more?"

-Sandy Conrad-Jauregui 



"It is particularly useful to me and to many of my age because of the careful application of exercise and mixture of fun incorporated to keep our bodies fit."

-Ron Addison




Better Life Boxing started with a dad fighting against Parkinson’s Disease with boxing exercises and a son studying exercise science. The increased energy, balance, and strength he experienced in his boxing exercises caused his son to realize that boxing had benefits for not just individuals with Parkinson’s Disease, but for all senior citizens. Ever since then, Better Life Boxing has been helping seniors improve their quality of life through boxing exercise programs all over Southern California.
